HBKU Library - Reference Service | HBKU
Hamad Bin Khalifa University
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Reference Services


The HBKU library offers a variety of reference services to support its users in their academic and research endeavors. The services are available online or in person within the library premises.

Librarians are glad to help users find sources of information they need, guide them through appropriate research strategies when looking for material, properly cite their references and more. 

Users are welcome to pass by the library for assistance. Also, References Services are provided via the following links.:

  • Ask a Librarian: through form in here, users can submit their question, and they will get a response within two working days at the latest.
  • Meet with a Librarian: users are welcome to schedule an appointment with a librarian at a convenient time to ensure one-to-one support.
  • Citation Management: librarians are ready to guide users on how to properly cite sources of information for their papers.