Shari’a Workshops Study Impact of Islamic Law in Just Societies

Shari’a Workshops Study Impact of Islamic Law in Just Societies

05 Jan 2022

Topics to be covered include how to solve modern-day problems in the context of Islam

Shari’a Workshops Study Impact of Islamic Law in Just Societies
Shari’a Workshops Study Impact of Islamic Law in Just Societies

The College of Islamic Studies at Hamad Bin Khalifa University will host a series of Shari’a workshops titled Shari’a Objectives for Civil Society. The workshops, to be held separately for men and women, will focus on the impact of Islamic law and how it helps in building a just society. 

Dr. Mohamed El-Gammal, Associate Professor of Comparative Fiqh, CIS, will kick off the women’s workshops on January 10 at the CIS Auditorium, Minaretein Building. Some of the points to be covered in the series include how to solve modern problems in the context of Islam and how to promote compassion in society.

The first workshop will examine Shari’a’s rulings and what it aims to achieve. It will also seek to encourage students to recognize their responsibilities in following Islam and to support them in taking part in the Islamic Renaissance. The objectives of religion, how much it is needed, and how much people observe religion will also be examined.

The second lecture will look at the role of ethics and modern values in Shari’a. The third lecture will focus on connecting with people and being compassionate, while the fourth will look at the objectives of Shari’a and solving modern-day problems.

Dr. El-Gammal said: “It is important to place Shari’a in a modern-day context and ensure that followers are applying the rules to their everyday lives while maintaining pride in being a Muslim. These workshops will underline the concept of Shari’a and its basic principles. We encourage all members of the community to attend.”

All workshops are being held at the Minaretein Building in Education City and will be conducted in Arabic. The women’s series takes place on January 10,17, 24, and 31 between 4 pm and 6 pm. Meanwhile, the men’s workshops will be held on January 11, 18, and 25, and February 1 also between 4 pm and 6 pm.

The first men’s workshop will discuss the meaning of religion and why we need it; the objectives of religion, the discretion to believe in it and the levels and mechanisms of preserving it.

Following workshops will explore the role of moral values in Islamic Shari’a and their relevance to its objectives; Shari’a objectives with regards to connecting with people and being cooperative and humane, and its impact on promoting security and development; and applying Shari’a objectives to contemporary problems.