Who can attend ICH2P-2023?
ICH2P-2023 is open to anyone who is interested in the conference themes, including academics, PhD and MSc Students, researchers, scientists, policy makers, and professionals.
Can the abstracts and papers be submitted/presented in languages other than English?
The official language of the event is English. Therefore, all abstracts and papers must be submitted in English and all presentations should also be in English.
What will the conference program cover?
The scientific part of ICH2P-2023 will include plenary sessions with presentations by keynote speakers, as well as parallel sessions in which invited papers and general papers are presented in oral form. There will also be poster presentation sessions. The social part of the ICH2P-2023 will include a tour to major tourist sites, a welcoming reception, and a gala dinner.
How does the submission process work for ICH2P-2023?
Initially, you should submit an abstract with a maximum of 300 words via the link provided. Once you receive an email notifying you of the acceptance of your abstract, you should prepare a short paper (4-6 pages maximum) and submit it online via the link provided under the ‘Submission’ section on the website. The deadline for abstract and short-paper submissions is available on the homepage.
What is the format of the abstract and short paper?
The templates for the abstracts and short papers are given under the ‘Submission’ section of the website. Please note that the tables and figures must be given within the text in the short-paper.
Will my submissions go through a review process?
All submissions will go through a quick review process. You will receive an email once decisions have been made. You might be requested to submit a revised version of your short paper according to the reviewers’ comments.
What is the limit for the number of pages?
The abstract should be less than 300 words. Short papers must be less than six pages including tables and figures, and references.
How many paper(s) can be submitted and presented by an author?
Each registered author can submit and present a maximum of two papers.
Can I attend with just an abstract submission? (without a short paper submission)?
We encourage each participant to submit a short paper, since all conference proceedings will be published. In addition, the participants will have a chance to expand on their papers and submit their extended versions to special issues in prestigious journals associated with the conference. Papers selected for publication in a special issue will be dependent on the scientific quality of the submission.
Can I request the type of presentation for my submission?
Yes, you can mention your preferred type of presentation (oral or poster or online oral) to the organizing committee members, who will make the final decision. We will try our best to accommodate your request, but we cannot guarantee it.
Will there be an online session for presenters?
Yes, for those who cannot attend physically to present their submissions, there will be a dedicated online session. However, we encourage all attendees to join physically.
When will my paper be published in the conference proceedings? When do I learn whether my paper has been selected for submission in a special issue?
The book of abstracts will be ready before the conference starts. The conference proceedings will be ready during or after the conference. Registered participants will be provided with the files containing the abstracts and program. Selection of papers for the special issue journals will be determined after the conference.
Will there be an ISBN number for the proceedings?
Why is the number of pages limited to six?
After the conference, authors will have a chance to expand on the content of their paper, to be submitted to one of the special issue journals mentioned on the website.
Will I get a receipt for my payments?
If you need an official receipt for reimbursement purposes, please contact the organizers with your receipt details. Alternatively, if you send your address details, the invoice can be prepared before the conference.
Can I purchase a day pass to the conference?
No, ICH2P-2023 does not offer day passes.
My wife/husband/child/etc. will accompany me. Can he/she attend the welcoming reception and gala dinner?
Yes, but will require accompanying registration for additional guests, which can be done through the online registration link.
Are there any guidelines for preparing my oral or poster presentation?
You can find guidelines and templates under the ‘Submission’ section on the website.
Will I get a certificate of attendance or presentation?
Certificates will be delivered to all presenters after your presentation or at the end of the conference. The certificate of attendance will be provided online.
How should I bring my presentation file and who should I give it to?
The recommended file type to be used for presentations is PowerPoint or Portable Document Format (PDF). The presentation files should be either brought on a USB or sent before the conference to the organizing committee. We also strongly recommend you have a backup of the presentation. Speakers are requested to upload their presentation onto the session PC and report to the session chair 10-15 minutes before the start.
Can I send my poster to you for printing?
Posters should be printed and brought by each participant to the conference.
How do you decide on who will get the best paper awards? When will these awards be given?
The papers and posters will be evaluated by the session chairs and organizing committee in terms of their originality, the method used, and its impact. We plan to distribute the awards during the gala dinner.
What kind of social activities will there be during the conference?
In addition to the welcoming reception and gala dinner, we plan to organize a social and technical tour within Doha. Updates will be announced on the conference website.
What is the weather like in December in Doha?
Daytime temperatures commonly range between 17 – 25 degrees Celsius.
How can I get an official invitation letter?
The official invitation letter will be provided upon request via email.
How can I get to the conference hotel from Hamad International Airport in Doha?
You can reach the hotel via Karwa taxi or limousine from the airport.
How can I get to the other parts of the city from the conference venue?
To reach other parts of the city, you can use Tram, Metro or a taxi via UBER or Karwa.