Why did Nismabi A Nisamudheen choose HBKU?

HBKU Enrollment Campaign 2024-25: College of Health and Life Sciences

18 Feb 2024

Hamad Bin Khalifa University’s academic programs consistently attract high-quality candidates from home and abroad. In this Q&A, PhD student Nismabi Adimaveettil Nisamudheen explains why she joined the CHLS’ Genomics and Precision Medicine program and how the university helped her to settle into life on campus

Nismabi Adimaveettil Nisamudheen
Nismabi Adimaveettil Nisamudheen

What inspired you to pursue postgraduate studies with HBKU?

After concluding my postgraduate studies in Human Genetics and Molecular Biology in my native country India I set out on a quest to become a budding researcher. I was particularly looking for an environment that not only deepened my understanding of the science behind human genetics but also fostered collaborative research initiatives. To this end, the CHLS’ commitment to advancing knowledge through collaboration and interdisciplinary approaches has been a guiding light for my academic goals. 

Moreover, the alignment of the CHLS’ Genomics and Precision Medicine program with my research interests played a pivotal role in my application to study at HBKU. I was confident that this program would serve as the perfect platform for exploring my research endeavors and contributing meaningfully to the field of human genetics. Another compelling factor was the extensive array of research options including fundamental biological research and advanced translational biomedicine with a specific emphasis on precision medicine.      

How did HBKU help you to adjust and settle into life at Education City?

It feels incredible to reflect on my life at Education City—a place where multiple universities and schools converge in one location. I have embraced a much greater diversity of international students here and participated in a variety of events and activities that have added vibrancy to my academic journey. HBKU's seamless integration and welcoming community helped to transform this diverse and dynamic setting into my second home. From dedicated orientation sessions to ongoing support services, the collaborative spirit of both HBKU and Education City has created an environment where academic and social integration thrive, making my experience truly exceptional.     

I have also benefited from HBKU’s Community Development Advisors (CDAs), who  live in student housing at Education City and serve as live-in paraprofessional student staff leaders. Their support has enhanced my organizational and communication skills and boosted my confidence. Additionally, HBKU’s Student Engagement Team has been instrumental in highlighting opportunities to be part of events like the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) and World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH). These events bring  some of the world’s greatest minds and ideas to Education City, providing opportunities to actively participate in conferences that foster learning and growth. It has been a fantastic avenue for me to expand my horizons and contribute to global academic discourse.
What activities are you involved in outside of your studies?

Beyond my academic pursuits, I am proactive in enhancing my leadership and communication skills. HBKU provides an excellent platform for personal growth through its diverse student clubs and community engagement initiatives. Actively participating in extracurricular activities organized by the Toastmasters, International Students, and Entrepreneurship Clubs has significantly improved my public speaking, communication, and leadership abilities. These groups not only provide valuable insights into entrepreneurship but also offer mentorship, aiding my aspirations as an international student.

HBKU’s Innovation Center also offers multiple platforms for postgraduate students to turn ambitions into reality through innovative incubation and funding programs for the development of projects and businesses. From day one, faculty and support staff have encouraged my participation in various workshops and training programs, such as Career Professional Services events, greatly enhancing my career-oriented skills in the process.

In my leisure time, I like to immerse myself in reading books and journaling, particularly science comics, magazines, and newsletters. HBKU’s outstanding library serves as a haven, providing solace and inspiration. The personalized HBKU-Student Carrel facility has become my preferred space for learning and self-expression, making my reading sessions more intimate and occasionally inspiring extensive writing.      

Do you have a message for anybody interested in studying at HBKU?

I would like to begin with a quote for aspiring postgraduate students: “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage and perseverance to pursue them”. 

I encourage anyone interested in studying at HBKU to fully embrace the journey of knowledge and discovery that the university offers. HBKU not only provides a world-class education but also an immersive experience within a diverse and dynamic community. Here, your academic dreams take flight, and you become part of a network of innovators shaping the future. Your academic journey at HBKU is not just about education; it is also about transforming dreams into impactful realities. Seize the opportunity at HBKU, where excellence knows no bounds.

Nismabi A Nisamudheen is a PhD student at HBKU’s College of Health & Life Sciences’ (CHLS) Genomics & Precision Medicine program.