QCRI to hold free Creative Space Fair for kids | HBKU
Qatar Computing Research Institute

Register quickly for computing fair filled with fun learning activities for kids of all ages.

Creative Space is holding a Creative Space Fair – a day packed with innovative learning activities – on Saturday, March 10. School-aged children will be able to attend this free event.

Creative Space Fair will include activities in the littleBits Playground, allowing children to build complex digital inventions in seconds. Additionally, children will be able to build their own bubble machines, create 3D objects using 3D pens, and make origami critters with their own motors. The youngsters will also be able to interact with Anki Cozmo, an artificial intelligence toy robot with a big brain.

Some of the more advanced activities on offer during the fair will include developing apps to install on their own devices using App Inventor, learning to develop with Arduino, and turning phones into hologram projects. Participants will also be able to play MazeStar, a custom-made game that allows them to explore their ideas while learning about human-computer interaction, web design, privacy, coding, debugging and more.

Children in three age categories, which are 6 and under, 7 to 10, and 11 to 14, should be registered and accompanied by an adult.

The fair will be hosted in both Arabic and English and will be held from 11 am to 1 pm on March 10 on the Ground Floor at the HBKU Research Complex in Education City. 

Please register quickly to avoid disappointment here.