Mohammad Shahmeer Ahmad | جامعة حمد بن خليفة
Hamad Bin Khalifa University

أعضاء هيئة التدريس

Mohammad Shahmeer Ahmad

محمد شاهمير احمد

باحث مساعد
معهد قطر لبحوث الحوسبة

السيرة الذاتية

Mohammad Shahmeer Ahmad is a Research Assistant at QCRI. His work focusses on Data Centric AI, Data Wrangling, and Foundation Models such as LLMs. He graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a B.Sc. in Information Systems. Shahmeer’s experience includes developing systematic approaches to improve data quality and discoverability and creating tools leveraging these algorithms. He has contributed to various projects such as a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) system for tabular data for data wrangling and cleaning, a cross modality data discovery system for structured and unstructured data, and benchmarking the capabilities of LLMs in various data cleaning and querying tasks.

الاهتمامات البحثية

  • Data Centric AI: Leveraging data processing techniques to improve safety, accuracy, and robustness of AI models
  • Data Wrangling: Extraction and processing of relevant information from complex structures such as multi-modal PDFs, images, Human Centric Tables
  • Foundation Models: Understanding and addressing the limitations of foundations models on various input types

المؤهلات العلمية

B.Sc. Information Systems

Carnegie Mellon University


المؤلفات المختارة