Topical areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Ammonia |
Hydrogen production technologies |
Analysis and assessment |
Hydrogen roadmaps |
Biological aspects of hydrogen production |
Hydrogen safety and risk assessment |
Carbon capture, conversion and utilization with hydrogen |
Hydrogen separation and purification |
Concentrated solar hydrogen production |
Hydrogen standards and codes |
Conventional hydrogen technologies and applications |
Hydrogen storage and materials |
Decarbonization |
Hydrogen strategies and policies |
Defossilization |
Hydrogen vehicles |
Demonstrations in developing countries |
Life cycle assessment |
Desulphurization processes |
Materials science and engineering for hydrogen technologies |
Development of hydrogen infrastructure and networks |
Methanol and other hydrogen-based fuels |
Education and training for hydrogen |
Micro-process technologies |
Electrolysis |
Modeling, simulation and optimization studies |
Energy, exergy and economic analyses |
Nuclear hydrogen |
Environmental impact of hydrogen |
Power-to-gas application |
Fuel cells |
Public perception and acceptance of hydrogen |
Global warming potential of hydrogen |
Reforming, cracking and gasification |
Hydrogen carriers |
Renewable hydrogen technologies and applications |
Hydrogen conversion technologies |
Sectoral hydrogen applications |
Hydrogen delivery, transportation and distribution systems |
Sustainable hydrogen technologies |
Hydrogen economy |
Syngas technologies |
Hydrogen in smart grids |
Synthetic/alternative fuels |
Hydrogen management |
Waste to hydrogen technologies |
Hydrogen phenomena |
Key Dates
- November 15, 2023 : Abstract due (max. 1 page)
- November 30, 2023 : Short paper due (4-6 pages)
- December 1, 2023 : Notification of short paper acceptance
- December 10, 2023 : Registration deadline
- December 19 – 21, 2023 : Conference Dates
Abstract Submission
Please submit your abstract using the provided link via Microsoft's Conference Management Toolkit (CMT)
Submission link
Please prepare your abstract using the following template
Download Template
The criteria for accepting abstracts for the conference include: relevancy to the conference themes, clear writing, aims, and objectives of the study clearly presented, novelty elaborated, and methodology of the work briefly mentioned.
If you face any difficulties in the submission of your abstract, please contact the organizing team at
Each registered author may submit and present two papers at most.
Paper Submission
The short papers (4-6 pages) will be included in the ICH2P Conference Proceedings.
Please prepare your short paper using the following template
Download Template
Please submit your short paper as per the guidelines and template latest on the due date mentioned above through Microsoft CMT:
Submission link
Content Guidelines
- The official language of the symposium is English.
- The title of the abstract must reflect the work.
- The full names (first and last names), titles, organizations, and email addresses of all authors must be clearly stated. Contact information (i.e., mailing addresses and telephone) must be added.
- Abstracts (not including the titles) must not exceed 300 words.
- At least one of the authors named in the abstract must register for the symposium by the registration due date. Only abstracts submitted by authors who have registered for the symposium shall be included in the program.
- The registration fee includes only two papers. Participants who would like to send additional papers should pay 50% of the registration fee for each extra paper.
- The submitting author is responsible for ensuring that the article’s publication has been approved by all other co-authors and takes responsibility for the paper during submission and peer review.
- Articles submitted should report original and previously unpublished findings. Practicing ethical conduct is very critical in the academic world. Hence, no act of plagiarism can be tolerated.
- All papers will be subjected to peer-reviews based on relevancy, structure, research method, ethical conduct, language standard, innovativeness, references, hypothesis, result presentation, proficiency, and format.
- The length of the presentations should be around 15 minutes including a Q&A section. You can use any form of presentation you wish. Presenters would be requested to arrive at the designated venue 10 minutes before the session begins and report to the session chair.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
- Posters must measure 70cm x 90cm and must be readable from a distance of at least one meter.
- They must have an easy-to-read typeface (e.g. Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier).
- Title, name of the author, and address information must be in 26-40 font size, and other sections must be in 16-18 font size.
- Posters will be put up on panels that are numbered in halls to be designated by the organization committee.
- Poster owners are required to stand beside their posters to provide information during the times and periods stated in the program.
Instructions for Abstract/Full Paper Submission
Kindly generate a user account and use the provided link to submit your abstract using Microsoft's Conference Management Toolkit (CMT):
Submission link
- Ensure that your web browser has both cookies and Javascript enabled.
- Include "" in your safe senders list (whitelist) to avoid important email announcements from being flagged as spam and blocked by filters.
- For every abstract you intend to submit, kindly follow these steps:
- Select the "+ Create new submission" button located in the upper-left corner to initiate a new submission. At this point, you'll be prompted to input the title and author(s) of your paper.
- To include a co-author, begin by entering their email address. If their email is not identified in the CMT system, you will need to complete the necessary details (such as first name, last name, organization, and country) for the co-author.
- Kindly upload your abstract in .doc or .docx format. Ensure it adheres to the formatting instructions, not exceeding a maximum file size of 20 MB.
- Kindly respond to the supplementary questions and then proceed to click the "Submit" button.
- You can monitor the progress of your paper through the Author Console. As soon as a decision is reached regarding your short paper, it will promptly appear under the "Status" section.
- You will receive a notification regarding the acceptance or rejection of your abstract from the ICH2P Secretariat on or before the abstract notification date.
- If you are requested to revise your abstract, the status will be displayed as "Revision" in the system. You can access reviewer comments by selecting "View Reviews." If this is the case, please ensure to upload a clean and unmarked file by clicking "Upload Revision" within a span of 2 weeks from the receipt of your decision email. It's important not to include any response sheets during this process.
- Once the reviewers are content with your submission, the status will change to "Accept." In this scenario, you are clear to proceed with the registration process.