Through the theme of “Bringing the World Together: Global and Local Perspectives on Sport Management”, WASM invites presentations oriented around, but not limited to, the following topics:
The main language for abstract submissions will be English, however a section of the conference program will be reserved for Arabic; hence Arabic abstract submissions will be permitted for this section accordingly.
The submissions should contain a title, author(s), institutional or business affiliation, with the email address of every author, type of presentation, and an abstract of the proposed presentation. Abstracts should be no more than 500 words and contain a full description of the topic, an introduction, review of literature, theoretical framework, research method (if applicable), results (if study complete), discussion, and references. Figures and tables should not be included in the abstract unless considered essential.
Unlike traditional oral and poster presentations, a lightning talk is a presentation format where presenters show 20 images, each for 20 seconds (for a total of 6-minutes 40 seconds), followed by three minutes of questions and answers. The images advance automatically, and presenters talk to the images. A lightning talk is particularly feasible for new ideas, emerging research, novice or exploratory scholarship, and/or research critiques.
To learn more about the meaning, definition, and format of lightning talks, click here.
The submission of one general abstract of 250 words maximum about the entire symposium is required, with three to six additional abstracts of specific presentations of 250 words maximum for each abstract within the symposium. If the submission is for a panel discussion, debate, Q&A, or workshop, the abstract should contain a title, author(s), institutional or business affiliation of each author with an associated email, purpose, and aims of the session, full description of the session, who will benefit, and any other pertinent information. Questions and procedures need to be clearly specified for a proposed debate or Q&A session, and all the individuals involved in the sessions need to be listed.
All works submitted shall be original work and shall not be work that has been published, presented, or copyrighted elsewhere. Submitted abstracts should not be concurrently under review at another conference.
Upon acceptance of an abstract, a minimum of one author must attend the WASM conference and deliver the presentation according to the scheduled day and time. The WASM organization and the conference organizer may have other requirements for delivering the presentation. Should an author not comply with the requirements, the program chair or conference organizer reserves the right to remove the abstract and/or presentation from the conference schedule and/or conference book of abstracts. All accepted abstracts have the potential to be published in the WASM conference abstract book, assuming that all other considerations have been met.
The original abstract submission deadline of September 30, 2021 has been extended to November 1, 2021.
All submissions will be evaluated through a blind review process. Authors will be notified of a decision on or near December 1, 2021.