The Microbiome's Role in Colon Cancer Prognosis and the Immunosuppressive Effects of Mucinous Tumors | Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Hamad Bin Khalifa University


The Microbiome's Role in Colon Cancer Prognosis and the Immunosuppressive Effects of Mucinous Tumors


The future of healthcare lies in understanding the intricacy of our biology. This seminar will delve into omics research and its potential to revolutionize medicine.

The seminar will explore AC-ICAM, a comprehensive multi-omics cohort, shaping personalized healthcare's future. The seminar will showcase the power of transcriptomic phenotyping (ICR) and microbiome phenotyping (MBR) in deciphering complex biological systems, leading to earlier disease detection and tailored treatment strategies. It will also shed light on the critical role of functional validation in omics findings, using MUC2 to show how these validations drive the advancement of precision medicine.

This seminar offers a unique opportunity to gain invaluable insights from leading experts, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and network with fellow researchers and professionals passionate about transforming healthcare through the power of omics.

