HBKU Orientation: Jamilia Mehdiyeva, College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Hamad Bin Khalifa University

HBKU Orientation: Jamilia Mehdiyeva, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

14 Aug 2023

In this Q&A, Jamila Mehdiyeva outlines why she is pursuing the College of Humanities and Social Sciences MA in Women, Development and Society

Jamila Mehdiyeva
Jamila Mehdiyeva

What is it about the program, college and HBKU that attracted you to join?

Despite having a  long and successful career leading  media operations for major sports events, I have encountered many challenges for no other reason than being a woman. Each challenge has nevertheless inspired my  deep involvement in  educational and empowerment projects for women and fueled my determination to create positive change in my home country of Azerbaijan. 

I vividly recall my undergraduate years, where I often found myself as the lone female student in class. This experience, although daunting at first, ignited a fire within me to prove that gender should never be a barrier to pursuing one's dreams. It was through this journey that I discovered my passion for empowering women and championing their rights.

As I began to initiate and lead educational and empowerment projects, I relied on my own experiences and understanding of the challenges faced by women. I witnessed firsthand the transformative power of providing women with access to knowledge, skills, and resources. With each project, I aimed to dismantle societal barriers, empower women to reach their full potential, and foster a sense of unity among women from diverse backgrounds.

As I embark on the College of Humanities and Social Sciences' (CHSS) Master of Arts in  Women, Society and Development, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to enrich my understanding and expand my horizons. I am eager to combine my practical experience with the theoretical knowledge I will gain through this program. Hamad Bin Khalifa University's (HBKU) exceptional reputation reassures me that I will be guided by the brightest minds in the field who will equip me with the necessary tools to amplify my impact.

What are your aspirations for your time at HBKU?

My primary aspiration is to continue promoting women's empowerment and driving societal change, all while embracing the beauty of dreams coming true.  I am also determined to pursue my passion for women's  development and encourage others to move forward towards their dreams, transforming them into tangible goals - it’s never too late! HBKU offers a unique opportunity to nurture my aspirations and turn them into reality, creating a profound impact on the lives of women. This journey symbolizes a change in my career pathway,  guided by new knowledge and fueled by a relentless determination to create a better future. I am filled with excitement as I anticipate stepping back into the classroom, embarking on a transformative experience where dreams merge with knowledge, and forging a path towards meaningful and lasting change. 

How do you feel an HBKU education will assist your career goals?

I’m confident that HBKU will provide me with the knowledge,expertise and skills to navigate complex societal issues, develop effective strategies, and implement sustainable initiatives for the betterment of women's lives. I also anticipate that HBKU’s unique research ecosystem and learning environment will provide ample opportunities for collaboration, research, and networking, thereby facilitating both personal and professional growth.