QCRI Scientist Named ACM Distinguished Member
Entity:  Qatar Computing Research Institute
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Dr. Ingmar Weber, Research Director of the Social Computing Group at Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI), Hamad Bin Khalifa University, has been named an Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Distinguished Member for his pivotal educational, engineering, and scientific contributions in the computing field. He is among 63 ACM members from leading universities, corporations, and research institutions across the world recognized in 2021 for their accomplishments. Dr. Weber’s interdisciplinary research contributions use data innovation and data-driven methodologies to study phenomena such as international migration and digital inequalities. He has done extensive work with international agencies with a particular focus on the use of non-traditional data in support of the Sustainable Development Goals. As a Distinguished Member, Dr. Weber will also continue to serve as a mentor and role model, by guiding technical career development and contributing to the field beyond the norm in his role at QCRI. This year, ACM marks 75 years of advancing computing as a science and a profession. For more information on QCRI’s innovative, multidisciplinary applied computing research that addresses national priorities, please visit qcri.hbku.edu.qa

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