CILE Organizes an Open Seminar on the Ethical Challenges Facing

The Research Center for Islamic Legislation & Ethics (CILE), member of Hamad Bin Khalifa University’s Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies (QFIS) at Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development will hold a seminar on "Family in the Age of Science: Ethical Challenges Between Islam and Medicine" on Wednesday, October 7, 2015, from 7 pm to 9 pm at the Lecture Hall in the new QFIS building.

With the stunning developments in medical and biological technology, science played a key role in providing answers for questions on the typical family formation and standards. Defining the nature of its relationships – e.g. paternity and maternity, etc. – after providing answers to such questions was exclusively for religion, customs and laws of society. Hence this seminar emerged from an interest in addressing some key ethical questions and challenges faced by the family institution these days. Panelists will discuss how to bring about the desired balance between what is "possible" from the scientific and medical point of view and what is "required" from the moral and religious point of view.

The public event comes under the theme of medical and biological ethics; one of the applied research fields adopted by the center. It is organized by Hamad Bin Khalifa University to support Qatar Foundation’s efforts in researching an Islamic vision of ethics, both theoretically and in practice, and its impact on the fields of education, science and community development.

Speakers at the seminar will include Dr. Tariq Ramadan, Executive Director of CILE and Professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University, UK, Dr. Mohammed Ghaly, Professor of Islam and Biomedical Ethics at QFIS, and Dr. Ayman Shabana, Associate Research Professor at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service in Qatar.