International Conference on Contemporary Qur'anic Studies ...
International Conference on Contemporary Qur'anic Studies

The Muhammad Bin Hamad Center for Muslim Contribution to Civilization (CMCC) at the Faculty of Islamic Studies (QFIS), Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) is holding an international conference entitled “Contemporary Issues in Qur’ānic Studies” between May 02-03, 2016 (Monday and Tuesday). The conference will address emerging theories and issues related to Qur’ānic studies and hopefully provide direction to future endeavors in the field. The event is open to the public.

Scholars with backgrounds covering a wide spectrum of Qur’ānic studies will be speaking on various aspects of the field but most importantly around the following themes: Exploration of literature on the Quran, Contemporary trends: Methods and themes, Text and Context of the Quran: Approaches and challenges and Western studies of the Quran in the past half century. Participant scholars come from Germany, the United States, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

All sessions will take place in the Auditorium of the QFIS building within Education City. Simultaneous translation between Arabic and English languages will be available.

Prof. Aisha Yousef al-Mannai said: “In line with HBKU’s objectives, we, at CMCC, feel proud to highlight the Muslim contribution to human civilization and to engage in academic pursuits that help in disseminating knowledge, fostering understanding and building bridges between cultures and civilizations.”