Q-and-A Alumni Spotlight: Enabling Remote Learning Amid COVID-19
Mohamed Samir Elbastawisy
Graduation Year: 2018, College of Islamic Studies
Position: School Teacher, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Qatar
How is your current work supporting in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic?
Following the shutdown of schools in March the Ministry of Education applied a supportive plan of online learning for all students. However, Adult Education students – especially Grade 12 – had to learn from home using a YouTube channel without any follow up from teachers.
By using WhatsApp, Zoom meetings and Microsoft Forms as a method of assessment I was able to connect with students and help them focus on their English studies. This was achieved through a regular series of virtual classes which were recorded and published over OneDrive for review. Students have also participated in more than eight different practice exams in preparation for their G12 English finals.
What skills and knowledge did you gain at HBKU that have proved essential to your success in your current role?
As a previous student at HBKU, I was lucky to acquire skills needed to survive in such a situation. Skills such as communication, time management and being supportive of new notions and strategies for tackling issues formed the work map for my project.
How is the work you are currently involved in contributing to your personal & professional development?
The feedback from students was overwhelming. I think these adult learners will carry this experience forward and share it with those who need a similar level support. I am grateful to Allah who enabled me to make this stand and provided the opportunity to serve the community to which I owe a lot.
What are your future career ambitions?
I believe I will work closely with my school administration to support other teachers to master the skills needed to work effectively from a distance.