Exclusive Student Interview - Abdoul Ahad Lou | HBKU

Exclusive Student Interview - Abdoul Ahad Lou

25 May 2021

Master of Arts in Islamic Studies, College of Islamic Studies, Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Exclusive Student Interview - Abdoul Ahad Lou
Exclusive Student Interview - Abdoul Ahad Lou

Why did you choose HBKU and this particular degree program?

I chose HBKU because the vision of the university and the programs it provides align with my academic ambitions. I was looking for a knowledge environment that would provide me with an opportunity to develop my capabilities and improve my research skills. I saw it as a paradigm for building human capabilities and developing mental skills by encouraging research and supporting innovation. In addition, HBKU provides opportunities for high-performing students. My choice stemmed from my awareness of its advantages, the splendor of its programs, and my desire to be part of a thriving knowledge community.

I chose the MA in Islamic Studies program in particular due to its objectives including, most notably, preparing graduates who possess the necessary tools to reach a compromise through striking a balance between originality and contemporaneity by employing the traditional Islamic knowledge in addressing the challenges facing modern society. I had good previous experiences in this area in different countries. However, I felt the need for more training that focused on reality and employed such traditional knowledge in addressing the current challenges. I was completely confident that the program would fulfill this need significantly in a way that would quench my thirst for knowledge.  

How has your classwork, research, advice from your professors and/or your overall experience at HBKU shaped your next step and your longer-term career goals and ambitions?

My overall experience at HBKU was extremely impressive. I have really found a suitable place for shaping the future in an integrated knowledge community. I have benefited a lot from the highly qualified professors and I feel proud that they were my mentors. They were really true mentors and advisors who encouraged me to excel in my studies. In between, I also had the honor to know some good colleagues from many different countries. This provided me with an opportunity to interact and exchange my knowledge and experiences. I have also benefited from the various workshops and international conferences organized by the university. Such events promoted the learning atmosphere that was characterized by intellectual generosity. 

I benefited significantly from my learning experience at HBKU as the university enhanced my knowledge, developed my research skills and improved my critical capabilities. This has not been made only through classroom research but also through the opportunities that have been made available to students to be trained on how to conduct research papers and how to publish such papers either at the student conference organized by the College of Islamic Studies (CIS) or the conferences sponsored by other research centers affiliated to HBKU. I had the honor to take part in the student conference and to present a research paper that was accepted in an international conference under the auspices of one of these centers. This signaled the beginning of my academic achievement and a starting point for my academic creativity and production. 
I can say that my experience at HBKU was successful and that I was very fortunate to join this highly regarded academic institution that provided me with great opportunities. I was aware that such opportunities entailed some responsibilities and sources of honor. Therefore, I turned them into an effective mechanism for shaping tomorrow and benefited from them both cognitively and methodologically in a way that will have a good impact on my future ambitions and objectives. 

I have always believed that contributing to the renaissance of the nation is an individual responsibility before Allah because it is a religious duty. It is even a life necessity, as well as a social and economic requirement. HBKU has established this idea in my mind and provided me with important tools to become an aspiring human being. It has also taught me that renaissance is a result of an intellectual progress achieved by a certain group of people who play their essential role in the society, which leads to progress in various aspects of life. This means that the education and training I received at HBKU will significantly shape my next step, as well as my future objectives and ambitions. It will also signal the beginning of a new journey to pay back to my community and to humanity in general.

What was the highlight of your time at HBKU?

It is difficult for me to highlight a single specific moment or event. My journey at HBKU has been an interesting experience based on intellectual thinking in an atmosphere of respect, empathy, tolerance, sacrifice and human service. This does not mean, however, that it is not possible to mention examples of these special moments. The most notable highlights of my journey at HBKU were the times I spent with my great professors either at their offices or at the classrooms. They have always been paradigms of generosity, knowledge and openness. They have provided me with great services I will always cherish through their insightful guidance, supervision, advice and books dedicated to me. Another highlight is when I was chosen to be a star student. This will drive me to exert more effort and excel in my academic life. 

Overall, the time I spent at HBKU was great. I am really indebted to this prestigious academic institution and I have been fortunate to be part of it. The university provided me with a great opportunity and a suitable environment to take part in shaping tomorrow. I am very proud of being an HBKU’s graduate and I highly appreciate its relentless efforts to offer learning opportunities for well-deserving students.