CPP Dean Explores Academic Cooperation Opportunities

CPP Dean Explores Academic Cooperation Opportunities

23 May 2022

CPP Dean Explores Academic Cooperation Opportunities
CPP Dean Explores Academic Cooperation Opportunities

Dr. Leslie A. Pal, Dean of the College of Public Policy, was invited recently to Tehran to present several lectures and discuss the possibilities for cooperation with academic institutions in Iran. 

During the working visit, he gave a keynote lecture at a conference organized by the Governance and Policy Think Tank (GPTT) at Sharif University of Technology. The conference was on “The Policy Advisory System and Governance: International Challenges and Domestic Opportunities”, and Dr. Pal’s keynote was entitled “Policy Advice in the Middle East: Challenges and Opportunities.” He also delivered another lecture to conference participants, on “The Future of the Policy Sciences.” 

Dr. Pal met with representatives of different departments and faculties at Imam Sadiq University, in view of their institutional mission to combine Islamic perspectives with various aspects of public policy, including management, policy analysis, and program evaluation. He also delivered a lecture at the Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS), an internal think tank and advisory group to the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The subject of his lecture was “Global Policy Advice: The Case of the T20 and the World Policy Summit.”