Hamad Bin Khalifa University welcomes Qatari judge as part of ...
Hamad Bin Khalifa University welcomes Qatari judge as part of HBKU Law School community initiative

Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), a member of Qatar Foundation, welcomed Dr. Hassan Abdulrahim Al-Buhashim Al-Sayed, a highly respected judge who sits on the Qatar International Court and an Associate Professor in Constitutional Law at Qatar University, as part of an HBKU Law School initiative that gives its students the opportunity to hear from leading scholars and practitioners working in the legal system in Qatar and the region.

At the event, which was the first of what is hoped will become a regular series, held at the HBKU Law School facilities within Education City, Dr. Al-Sayed shared his first-hand experience of practicing law in Qatar and gave valuable insights into various aspects of Qatar’s legal landscape.

In particular, Dr. Al-Sayed discussed the history and establishment of The Permanent Constitution of the State of Qatar. As an expert on constitutional law and a legal practitioner, Dr. Al-Sayed not only presented the students with his in-depth knowledge of the constitution itself, but also provided the students with a unique understanding of how legal professionals in Qatar currently work with the constitution in their daily practice.

After giving his presentation, Dr. Al-Sayed spent time talking to the Law School’s students and answering their questions.

Dr. Al-Sayed is an expert on constitutional law and was educated at Kuwait University and the University of Jordan before completing his Ph.D. at the University of East Anglia in the UK. Dr. Al-Sayed subsequently returned to Qatar to practice law and provide legal education. He served as dean of the university’s College of Law from 2007 to 2010. He has also served as vice president of the Qatari Bar Association.

Dr. Al-Sayed said: “I’m extremely happy to have the chance to meet the students of HBKU’s Law School and specifically to talk with them about Qatari law. I believe that it’s important that students sometimes take their learning out of the classroom and have the opportunity to hear from people with a range of experience and viewpoints that may differ from their professors.”

Speaking after the visit, Professor Clinton W. Francis, Founding Dean of the HBKU Law School, commented: “We are extremely fortunate that Dr. Al-Sayed took time out of his busy schedule to join us at HBKU. He is a highly experienced and well-regarded legal expert here in Qatar, and I’m sure our students greatly appreciated his willingness to share his in-depth knowledge of Qatari law with them.”