Smart Grid | Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Smart Grid

The goal of QEERI’s Smart Grid Portfolio is to develop advanced power systems that integrate solar energy to address Qatar’s electricity needs in a sustainable fashion. This objective is facilitated though the creation of software and hardware solutions that ensure secure integration of solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems into the national electricity network. The team are also working on the development of a Geographic Information System (GIS) platform that maps and forecasts solar resources in Qatar to support the management of PV applications. Another key area is the management of electricity demand, which focuses on the analysis of electricity consumption data to develop response solutions that maximize energy efficiency while maintaining customer satisfaction.



  • Within the Smart Grid Portfolio, QEERI has been working closely with several stakeholders including KAHRAMAA, Qatar Electricity & Water Company, Qatar Petroleum, and Qatar Meteorological Department to help the nation develop its solar energy capabilities. 
  • Researchers have developed several power system solutions that enable the integration of solar PV systems into the power distribution system in a reliable, safe and efficient manner
  1. Designed a microgrid test-bed to support the design of microgrids that address Qatar’s energy needs, and started its implementation in the QSTP Solar Test Facility (STF) – installation to be completed by summer 2018
  2. Developed a software tool that mitigates the impact of PV power variability on transformers operations in power substations using reactive power, and tested its validity on the Education City Community Housing (EECH) network (in collaboration with KAHRAMAA)
  3. Developed software tool that regulates the impact of PV integration on voltage and level-load in real time using (a) reactive power to keep voltage within limits, and (b) battery storage to counteract variability in PV generation, and tested its validity on the STF microgrid test-bed design
  4. Developed a GIS-based software platform that enables the estimation of buildings’ PV capability in situ by associating rooftop PV potentials with service nodes in power networks derived from GIS data, and tested its validity on the ECCH power network.


  • The team has made good progress in the creation of tools that map and forecast solar resources to support the development and management of PV systems for both residential and utility scales
  1. Created and validated solar maps of Qatar using models derived from 11-years of satellite data, and site-adapted these maps’ measurements against solar ground measurements, to support solar plant development and power grid management
  2. Designed network of 13 ground solar radiation measurement stations to provide high-quality assessment of solar resources in Qatar, and completed procurement and installation arrangements (in collaboration with Qatar Meteorological Dept.) - installation to be completed by summer 2018
  3. Developed a novel solar forecasting algorithm (patent pending) and used it to implement a web-enabled solar forecasting service to support grid integration and power plant development.
  • The team has also made significant achievement in the development of electricity demand monitoring and management tools and solutions to support grid integration by empowering consumers to reduce or shift their electricity usage during peak periods
  1. Developed a high resolution database of day load profiles for Qatar and other GCC countries, and performed analyses of the data collected to calculate the cost of cooling, test consumer response to tariff increase, estimate annual/daily load factor, and assess the relative impact of diverse factors on energy demand to support the development of demand response measures 
  2. Designed and installed an Advances Metering Infrastructure in the Education City Community Housing compounds (623 households) 
  3. Installed several home-energy management devices in various households around Doha to collect energy consumption data at the appliance level, and developed a web application to collect data from all single installations. Conducted direct-load control of air conditioners experiments to reduce peak electricity consumption.


Advanced Power Systems

Advanced Power Systems Pillar is developing best practices and solutions for the development, management and control of grid-connected and islanded microgrids, and the active management of the ensuing distribution network. Microgrids are local energy power systems that integrate renewable energy generation, energy storage, and demand response mechanisms. Active management of the distribution network supports greater and more reliable penetration of distributed energy generation. These advancements provide system operators, policymakers and other stakeholders with innovative tools that enable the creation and management of federated microgrids to lay out the future of Qatar’s power network. A concomitant goal is the demonstration of the technical and economic benefits of off-grid and grid-connected microgrids in Qatar. 

Solar Resource Mapping & Forecasting

Solar Resource Mapping & Forecasting Pillar is creating a platform for Qatar that combines GIS and Artificial Intelligence tools and methods with ground and satellite solar monitoring equipment to assess the distribution of solar resources in time and space. Such a platform supports the financing, development, management and operation of solar energy applications including utility scale power plants and building integrated PV systems.

Demand-side Management

Demand-side Management Pillar focuses on monitoring, collecting, and analyzing electricity consumption data for the development of demand response mechanisms aimed at making energy usage more efficient without lowering consumer satisfaction. These activities support the design and optimal planning of advanced power systems.



Qatar Petroleum (QP), Qatar Electricity & Water Company (QEWC), KAHRAMAA (KM)

QEERI is assisting QP, QEWC, and KM in the development of the 200MW Siraj Solar Plant plan, which is scheduled to be completed by 2020. 


QEERI is collaborating with KAHRAMAA metering unit to develop an advanced metering infrastructure in the Education City Community Housing compound.

QEERI is collaborating with KAHRAMAA System Control Department develop methods, best practices and tools to manage the integration of solar energy into Qatar’s power grid.

Qatar Meteorological Department

QEERI and QMD are collaborating in the installation and management of a network of 13 solar monitoring stations covering the Qatari territory.

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

QEERI and EPFL are working on developing

  1. Smart real-time control of power flows based on Phasor Measurement Units 
  2. Service restoration strategies algorithms and software is being developed 
  3. Smart-building infrastructures for energy consumption analysis and optimization