Dr. Ivan Gladich
Dr. Ivan Gladich
Educational Qualifications
Ph.D. in Environmental and Industrial Fluid Mechanics
Master in Physics
Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute
Ivan Gladich received his master’s in physics from the University of Trieste and, afterwards, he was a post doc at Purdue University, USA, at the Academy of Science of Czech Republic, and at the International School for Advanced Studies, (SISSA), in Italy. He joined the Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI) in 2015.
His main field of expertise is the use of computational physical chemistry tools for the investigation of molecular-level processes occurring at technological and atmospheric relevant interfaces.
Ph.D. in Environmental and Industrial Fluid Mechanics
University of Trieste/International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy
28 April 2009
Master in Physics
University of Trieste, Italy
26 September 2005
- Design of novel CO2 capture and mineralization pathways for the conversion of carbon dioxide in added-value products/chemicals.
- Computational modelling of XPS spectra for applications in catalysis and (heterogeneous) chemistry, in general.
- Free energy methods for the computations of thermodynamic and kinetic properties of chemical reactions.
- Heterogeneous physicochemical processes on atmospheric aerosol interfaces by classical and first principle molecular dynamics.
Permanent Scientist
June 2015 – Present
Research Assistant
International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Trieste, Italy.
January 2013 -- 31 May 2015
Postdoctoral Associate
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Prague, Czech Republic.
24 January 2011 -- 31 December 2012
Dreyfus Postdoctoral Associate
Purdue University, USA
3 January 2009 -- 4 January 2011
- “A Novel Surface-Catalyzed Redox Reaction Occurs Spontaneously on Solvating Inorganic Aerosol Surfaces”. Science, Vol. 374. Issue 6568, (2021)
- “The Surface Propensity of Aqueous Atmospheric Bromine at the Liquid-Gas Interface”. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 11, 3422-3429, (2020)
- “Tuning the Stereoselectivity and Solvation Selectivity at Interfacial and Bulk Environments by Changing Solvent Polarity: Isomerization of Glyoxal in Different Solvent Environments”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140, 5535--5543, (2018)
- “A surface-stabilized ozonide triggers bromide oxidation at the aqueous solution-vapor interface.” Nat. Commun., 8, 700, (2017)
- September 2010; American Chemical Society (ACS); Purdue Section Travel Award 2010.
- July 2008; Dreyfus Environmental Chemistry Postdoctoral; Fellowship at Purdue University, IN-USA.
- 31 January 2007; Licio Cernobori Award for degree thesis in applied geophysics; National Institute for experimental Oceanography and Geophysics (OGS), Trieste-ITALY.