Third Annual Student Conference (ASC) 2017 Water-Energy-Food
College of Islamic Studies

An urgent question we need to tackle pertains to the interstices of the WEF-N and highly interdependent sustainablity. Sustainable development is sought via policy coherence, as water, energy and food security are highly interdependent, sustainable development should be considered not only an issue of governing resources, but also ensuring that continuous studies are undertaken to understand the interdisciplinary nature of WEF Nexus by including the ethical and moral dimensions as well as technical and practical sides.The Public Policy in Islam Program (PPIP), College of Islamic Studies at Hamad Bin Khalifa University, invites you to submit abstracts or presentation ideas in English or Arabic on the relation between the WEF-N and sustainable development for the Third Annual Student Conference (ASC.)

Possible Sub-Themes:

  • Sustainable development goals and WEF Nexus
  • Role of WEF Nexus in promoting sustainable development in the Muslim world
  • Role of civil society and academia in increasing awareness for WEF Nexus
  • Governmental efforts in promoting the importance of WEF Nexus
  • Islamic Perspectives of WEF
  • The role of “WEF Nexus” for sustainability
  • Case studies on Water-Energy-Food Nexus from Qatar, GCC and Middle East
  • Policy learning and transfer in WEF Nexus• Comparative perspectives on WEF Nexus
  • Applicants are encouraged to propose other topics that are not covered above
  • Each application will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the conference committee

Abstract Guideline:

Abstracts should be 300 words long (maximum).
Proposal title, contact details and affiliation of the student should be included.
Best paper and best presentation awards will be distributed on the day of the conference.