الدكتورة سوزان كارامانيان
عميد كلية القانون
البريد الإلكتروني
44541949موقع المكتب
C.03.004, Minaretein, Education City
الدكتورة سوزان كارامانيان
عميد كلية القانون
المؤهلات العلمية
B.A. (hons)
كلية القانون
السيرة الذاتية
Susan L. Karamanian is Dean of HBKU's College of Law. She previously held leadership positions at the American University of Sharjah and the George Washington University Law School. Susan is a member of the Executive Council of the American Society of International Law (ASIL) and was previously Vice President of ASIL. She was also President of the Washington Foreign Law Society. She has lectured on international law at the University of Paris, the OAS Academy of International Law, Tamil Nadu National Law School, the National Law School of India University, Bangalore, and the Hague Academy of International Law (Director of English Studies). She has presented two lectures (“The Right to Property under International Law” and “The Intersection of Public International Law and Private International Law”) as part of the United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law. She is a trustee of the Center for American and International Law, where she chairs the Southwestern Institute for International and Comparative Law, and a director of Texas Appleseed. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the American Council on Germany, the American Bar Foundation, and the Texas Bar Foundation.
University of Texas; Austin,Texas, USA
B.A. (hons)
University of Oxford; Oxford, United Kingdom
B.S. (summa cum laude)
Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA
- International investment law
- International human rights law
- International business transactions
- International banking and finance
- International trade law
American University of Sharjah
Associate Dean for International and Comparative Legal Studies and Burnett Family Professorial Lecturer
International and Comparative Law and Policy, George Washington University Law School, USA
Partner (previously Associate)
Locke Lord LLP
Law Clerk
Hon. Robert E. Varner, US District Judge, M.D. Alabama
“International Investment Agreements, Investor Obligations, and the Rule of Law” in Investment Protection Standards and the Rule of Law pp. 301-325, edited by August Reinisch and Stephan W. Schill, Oxford University Press, 2023
“International Commercial Courts, Dispute Resolution and the Rule of Law” in International Commercial Courts: The Future of Transnational Adjudication pp. 515-535, edited by Stavros Brekoulakis & Georgios Dimitropoulos, Cambridge University Press, 2022
“Local Content Requirements in Extractive Industries: A Human Rights Analysis” in D. S. Olawuyi, Local Content and Sustainable Development in Global Energy Markets, pp 63-82 (Cambridge University Press 2021)
“Arbitrators as Peacemakers? Challenges to the Rule-Based System of Arbitration” in G. Banerji, et al. (eds.), International Arbitration and the Rule of Law: Essays in Honour of Mr. Fali S. Nariman, pp 37-53 (Permanent Court of Arbitration 2020)
- 1980; Rhodes Scholarship; Rhodes Scholarship Trust; Oxford, United Kingdom
- 2000; Texas Law Fellowships Excellence in Public Interest Award, University of Texas School; Austin, Texas
- 2000; Equal Justice Award, Legal Services of North Texas; Dallas, Texas