More than 80 School Counselors from Independent and Private
More than 80 School Counselors from Independent and Private Schools Visit Education City for Doha Counselors Day

Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) hosted Doha Counselors Day on October 31st at the HBKU Student Center. Held in partnership with the Qatar campuses of universities across Education City, Doha Conselors Day provides school counselors and administrators in Qatar with in-depth information about the academic offerings and admissions processes for universities located in Education City. The event is an important networking opportunity for counselors and university admissions professionals to meet and share best practices.

Represented at this year’s event were Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar, Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar, Texas A&M University at Qatar, Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, Georgetown University in Qatar, Northwestern University in Qatar, and Hamad Bin Khalifa University, all of which offer undergraduate degree programs at Education City.

The event highlighted the value of school counseling programs that go beyond assistance with university applications. Those in attendance discussed ways counselors can prepare students for a successful future through personal and social competences assessment, as well as by providing support in academic achievement and career consideration.

Thouraya Bouz, Assessment Coordinator and Career Advisor at AlMaha Academy for Girls, said: “This event updates counselors on the application process and program requirements each year, which certainly helps us guide our students.

“The networking aspect of the event is also crucial as it offers counselors the opportunity to hear about what others are doing with their students and gives each of us the chance to share ideas. I think the event is a really important one and I look forward to attending it each year.”

Patrick Desbarats, Head of Counseling and College Placement at the American School of Doha, added: “When I first came to Doha six years ago, I didn’t know about the admissions processes of the universities located in Education City, so I found Doha Counselors Day really helpful. It’s a great way to share knowledge about how to help students get into the postsecondary institutions they want to attend.

“I also think it’s really important for counselors to get to meet the college admission representatives who work at universities in Education City, who will ultimately read the applications that our students submit.”

School administrators, prospective students, parents will also be invited to attend Discover Education City (DEC) on the 9th and 10th of November from 9 am to 9 pm at the HBKU Student Center to gain further insight into higher education opportunities at Education City.