Supreme Council of Health launches | HBKU
Entity:  Qatar Biomedical Research Institute
Supreme Council of Health launches Birth Cohort Study

The Biomedical Research Department at Supreme Council of Health (SCH) plans to conduct a long term Birth "Cohort" study. The study, which QBRI will be actively involved in, aims to characterize early-life exposure to a wide range of environmental, biological and lifestyle hazards and link these with major mother and child health outcomes.

Among the outcomes that will be examined in mothers are gestational diabetes, metabolic syndrome and postpartum depression, breastfeeding and nutrition, lifestyle including, physical activity, sleep and timing of activities and psychosocial factors will be evaluated. Child health outcomes include preterm births and low birth weight, obesity and metabolic related disorders, neurodevelopment, immune system, asthma and allergies. Special emphasis will be put in the evaluation of air-pollution using advanced techniques allowing personal monitoring in a rapidly changing urban environment in Doha.

Press coverage can be found at The Peninsula

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