CPP Explores Religion’s Role in Public Administration

Public event delivered by Open University’s Professor Edoardo Ongaro

Entity:  College of Public Policy
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The complex relationship between religion and public administration around the world was the subject of a recent public lecture organized by the College of Public Policy (CPP).

Delivered by the CPP’s Eminent Visiting Policy Scholar Professor Edoardo Ongaro, The Intersection Between Faith and Governance explored how religion shapes the functioning of public administrative systems and the management of public services. The lecture shared past and ongoing research as well as Professor Ongaro’s topical interest in administrative reforms and comparative public management. The event concluded with questions and answers as well as additional interventions from the audience.

Edoardo Obgaro is Professor of Public Management at the United Kingdom’s Open University. He was previously Professor of International Public Services Management at Northumbria University, and continues to serve as Visiting Professor of Management of International and Supranational Organizations Bocconi University’s SDA Bocconi School of Management. Professor Ongaro is also a fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences and Joint University Council of the Applied Social Sciences.

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