CPP Professor Discusses Regional Challenges in Policy Evaluation

CPP Professor Discusses Regional Challenges in Policy Evaluation

16 Jun 2022

CPP Professor Discusses Regional Challenges in Policy Evaluation
CPP Professor Discusses Regional Challenges in Policy Evaluation

Dr. Anis Ben Brik, Associate Professor and Founding Director of the Program for Social Policy Evaluation and Research (PROSPER) at the College of Public Policy, participated at a regional workshop on enhancing national monitoring and evaluation systems to improve evidence-based decision-making hosted in Amman, from May 16-18. 

The workshop was organized by the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), a global partnership between the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group and the Independent Evaluation Office of the United Nations Development Programme to pool resources to support evaluation capacity development. 

Dr. Ben Brik was invited to share his experience and perspective on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region with other international experts, discussing the challenges and opportunities from institutionalizing evaluation and monitoring practices. He is the founding president of the MENA Evaluation Society and has published empirical research in a wide range of international peer-reviewed journals. 

It was an opportunity to highlight CPP’s contributions to building national and regional capacities, through the newly-launched Master’s in Social Policy and Program Evaluation (MSPPE), an interdisciplinary degree that aims to build advanced analytical and substantive knowledge of social policy and program evaluation. The MSPPE is supported by the Program for Social Policy Evaluation and Research (PROSPER), a CPP program aimed at building capacity, advancing discussions as well as collaborations towards collectively supporting evaluation systems strengthening in Qatar and the region.