HBKU part of launch of Doha Youth Parliamentary Forum
Entity:  College of Public Policy
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The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT)  Programme Office on Parliamentary Engagement in Preventing and Countering Terrorism, with the  support of the Shura Council of the State of Qatar, officially launched the Doha Youth Parliamentary  Forum. This initiative, entitled “Promoting Youth Perspectives in Parliamentary Responses to Terrorism  and Violent Extremism (CT/PCVE)aims to establish a youth-inclusive parliamentary framework that  allows young people to contribute meaningfully to CT/PCVE policies and initiatives at both national and  international levels. 

The Forum includes a series of thematic university seminars hosted in partnership with leading universities  in Qatar: Qatar University (QU), Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q), Hamad Bin Khalifa University  (HBKU), and Lusail University (LU). This series of seminars will bring together students, youth leaders,  national and international experts, parliamentarians, and policymakers to discuss CT/PCVE topics. 

On 9 November 2024, the first round of thematic seminars held at Georgetown University - Qatar, saw  the participation of many students across all four partnering universities. The first seminar focused on  “Youth Engagement and Empowerment in PCVE Policy Design,” exploring strategies to strengthen youth  involvement in policy-making processes for more inclusive and effective prevention measures. The second  seminar addressed “Integrating Human Rights and Youth Perspectives in Counter-Terrorism Legislation,”  highlighting security and respect for fundamental rights as mutually reinforcing in preventing and  countering terrorism.

The event featured a keynote address by Mr. David Alamos Martinez, Chief of the UNOCT Programme  Office on Parliamentary Engagement, who highlighted the importance of youth engagement in counter terrorism efforts. “Our gathering here in Qatar reflects a strong alignment with Qatar’s National Vision  2030, which emphasizes the importance of empowering young people to actively participate in political  and social development. This vision—of a future in which young leaders are equipped to address issues of peace, security, and inclusive governance—echoes UNOCT’s mission to integrate youth voices  into the global counter-terrorism agenda,” he said.

Malak Elmoh, a Youth Leader and the representative of Georgetown University in Qatar stated: “At  Georgetown, we believe today’s youth are essential voices in addressing global challenges right now, not  just in the future. I see this forum as reflection of our commitment to empowering young leaders and  fostering dialogue on critical issues like countering violent extremism creating a supportive space for  young voices to shape policies that are inclusive and resilient”.  

Subsequently, a third seminar was held later that day at Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU). The session  explored “Understanding Terrorist and Violent Extremist Exploitation of Online Video Games” examining  the gaming industry posed risks and legislative measures needed to address this emerging challenge.  

Dr. Leslie Pal, Dean of the College of Public Policy at HBKU, delivered a keynote address and said: “We  hope our students today have knowledge of the mechanisms of online gaming threats, as well as on the  strategies we must develop to counter them effectively”. He also highlighted that “higher education  institutions can play a critical role in countering violent extremism by promoting global citizenship,  combating misinformation, and fostering resilience in youth who are often the primary targets of  extremist influences online”. 

Members of the Shura Council of the State of Qatar, along with leading experts from national and  international research and academic institutions, civil society organizations, and relevant United Nations  agencies, actively participated in these discussions. Their contributions enriched the dialogue with insights  and practical recommendations. Additionally, the HBKU seminar was attended by a parliamentarian from  the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), further broadening the forum’s perspectives.  

Following the seminars on 9 November, two additional sessions will be held at Qatar University and Lusail  University on 16 November 2024. The university seminars will culminate in a Closing Plenary Youth  Parliamentary Forum on November 27 and 28, where young parliamentarians from various parliamentary  assemblies will join an open forum to present the outcomes of these discussions. Representatives from  international organizations, civil society, and global parliamentary networks will participate, reinforcing  the commitment to incorporating youth perspectives into CT/PCVE efforts worldwide.

Press release republished with permission of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT).

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